Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Leeds in Bloom Competition

After Christmas the Artclub worked on ideas to enter the Leeds in Bloom competition for schools.
The entries were to be in before Easter, but the results were not announced until late on into the Summer term. 

Each of our children received "Highly Commended" certificates, of which we are so proud!

We have kept our designs under wraps until the results were announced.  We are now delighted to share with you the designs.

We were to produce designs which were to be used for six flowerbeds measuring 6x4 metres in Millennium Square. This proved to be a really exciting project and we thought of symbols, buildings, events and all sorts of things associated with Leeds.

We then looked at mosaics and how the picture is made up of small tiles of colour, like the flowerbed would be with the plants. We also looked at Impressionist paintings and how they are made up of large brushstrokes, again like the plants in the flowerbed.

Can Mrs. Mistry and myself, Mrs. Chin say thank you to all the children who took part in this competition, who were so enthusiastic about the project.  Well done for all your splendid efforts.