Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Maths Mastery November 2015

On Wednesday November 25th, our school held our first Maths Showcase.

We welcomed twenty visitors who observed fluency and reasoning across the key stages. 

In Year 1: 
The visitors saw an assessment session where the class teacher established where the children were at with their learning journey, using the school’s assessment policy. This included the children being questioned to deepen understanding.

In Year 2: 

Our visitors saw a second lesson in the new topic: Multiplication. The children in this phase had been grouped according to the assessments that have taken place during the assessment session and they will work at a fluency and reasoning level appropriate to where they are in the learning journey.

Foundation Stage: 
This session was based around data handling. The children have been introduced to this topic in week three and throughout the week, the children made a group pictogram, looking at tallying and were encouraged to develop their skills in data handling. They were asked what the data (or information) told them, using phrases like, ‘Which is the most popular? Which is least? How do you know? Can you explain your ideas?’ The children asked our visitors what their favourite food was - they really weren't shy at all! They then added their data to their tally on their clipboard.

In year ¾ the session was based on the concept of division. The children began by looking at ‘fact families’ using the ‘switcher triangles’ as the division followed on from two weeks of multiplication learning. The children were then be given various numbers/statements related to division and prove their ideas using apparatus, drawings, etc.

In year 5/6:

The children were focusing on multiplication and division related facts. Every child was given a part of a number sentence which included multiplication and division. The children needed to find the matching part of their number sentence and convince our visitors using mathematical reasons and resources to prove it. 

The visitors were blown away with the quality of the children's explanations as they were starting off their reasons with language such as: 'I know this because...', 'I can show you using another strategy...' 'Here's how I know...' 'I know this because...'. 

Once the children had sufficiently explained their methods, they then needed to find their 'related facts' which was another pair in the class and show how they knew this.
"Hello, I just wanted to say thank you for the Maths Showcase on Fluency and Reasoning last week. I really enjoyed my morning and found it very inspiring - not only the maths bit, but I also got chance to chat with one of the Reception teachers as I'm looking at a move from KS2 to Reception last year. Your school and staff were so welcoming, Thanks again".

From Jessica Crisp from Hunslet St Mary's